The Principles of Effortless Power by Peter Ralston Published by North Atlantic Books Recommended Read 'The Principles of Effortless Power' by Peter Ralston is an excellent introduction to anyone considering and practicing martial arts, including Tai Chi. It really describes the moving and use of internal energy to effect your actions, effortlessly. As such it applies to every day life as well. Originally published in 1989 it is still going strong, an indication of what a great book this is. Highly recommended if you do any type of energy work, including healing. It needs to be read thoroughly and may take several reads to digest all the information. Then actually practice and experience the techniques. Peter Ralston has done over forty years of intense contemplation and personal experiential investigation into the nature of self and reality. He teaches people to authentically expand and deepen their consciousness, and to become more real, honest, and effective human beings. He has written several books on the nature of consciousness, which can be found on his Chen Hsin website. He draws on T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Aikido, and Pa Kua Chang, and is the first Westerner ever to win the world championship in a full-contact martial arts tournament. Peter Ralston "works with people to authentically expand and deepen their consciousness, and to become more real, honest, and effective human beings." He also does this through teaching people about their bodies and how to be most effective in its use, as well as teaching them the Art of Effortless Power. I wanted to create an art based on fundamental observations of physics, perception, intent, impulse, and energy — an art that gears itself to meet any situation because it is founded on understanding the principles in which interaction takes place. Peter Ralston - You Tube Channel
Through guided visualiations you can gain incredible insights into your self. Imagery and symbolism are ways of sharing information that words sometimes cannot express eloquently or adequately enough.
Boxed In! was included in my latest Spring 2018 Newsletter. If you would like to receive my newsletters please use the link on my HOME page. I aim to produce at least 2 a year and do not use your email details for any other purposes. Wishing everyone a very happy 2017 2 + 1 + 7 = 10 the Divine Light The end (01...10) is also the beginning, it is the eternal Moment. In astrology the 'Wheel of Fortune' works with the 'Star' so we have a year filled with hope and optimism. As we start a new cycle of the numbers the Wheel turns and brings in a new 9 year cycle. 'Follow Your Star' and in every eternal moment be centered, fully conscious of your dreams and choices as they influence the direction of your path and circles you move in. Fill your Self with light and be like a radient star. Shine through the veils of illusion to reveal your true Self to the world. Every image I create is imbued with symbolism - sacred geometry of shapes and patterns, light and colours, flowers, animals, Gods & Goddesses… All are visual expressions of the science manifesting reality. Images for connecting into with your Mind to enhance your experience of reality. To see more in my abstract and conceptual art look beyond the surface images and think of them as a 'thought forms' to blend into and work with. I often post one of my pieces with a short interpretation and insight for that day. As examples here are a couple that I posted on my facebook page in December 2016. Enjoy! Infinity and EmotionsEmotions colour our lives. Every time you are triggered by events in your life to feel blue (sadness), see red (anger, hate), feel green (with envy).... they happen to reflect back and show you the inner work you need to do along the Spiral path towards the inner, central Self where unconditional Joy is experienced. Look at the subtle images within the paintings, which were not created intentionally. For example I see a swan at the centre. Swans symbolise grace, the awakening power of the inner Self, balance, inner beauty and the 'rising glory' of a new day. Unfurling PotentialAs 2017 approaches here is a thought for the new year. Allow your potential to unfurl to reveal you in all your splendour. Awaken your senses, exeperience the colours of life and learn from them.
December 2023