Yesterday I had a very enjoyable day at the London MBS Festival - Wellbeing. Firstly, I signed all the copies of both my books on the Watkins Publishing stand, coinciding with a purchase by a Russian reader. Then I wandered around catching up with friends, fans and regulars on the MBS events circuits, such as Equinox Astrology. Enjoyed a delicious meal from In Spiral and generally soaked up the atmosphere. Very tempted to go again on Monday.... Just finished Seeds of Ideas! (thin canvas 76 x 50.5cm, acrylic) Representing the way ideas pop into our awareness then bubble, jostle and blend together in novel and unpredictable ways.
As of this spring I have started contributing ideas and information to Kevin Thomson's e-book Squiggle the Book. It is FREE to view. Squiggle the Book is a long-term passion of Kevin's that he and I will be building up over some time so feel free to have a look regularly. It is his personal musings on the life and purpose of the humble squiggle in relation to geometric shapes. Join me, Kevin Thomson and best selling co-author Karen L French in our collaboration on - SQUIGGLE: The Fourth In The 'Basic Shapes' Trilogy - A homage (and update) to Italian Designer and Innovator Bruno Munari's trilogy - Square Circle Triangle. It's in draft form now. FREE on issuu to share. And we welcome input! Today I discovered the Swedish artist Wilma af Klint (1862 - 1944) and was thrilled by her beautiful abstract art of sacred geometry. She produced nearly 1200 pieces and insisted they were not put on public view until at least 20 years after her passing. Interestingly, many of her abstract compositions pre-date Kandinsky. Throughout her abstract work is a genuine desire to understand and reveal the spiritual through her painting. Many of her paintings were like 'diagrams' and represent complex spiritual ideas. Essentially they are like Yantras, or 'thought-forms', and are representations of abstract concepts. I went to see her exhibition on the 27th April and it was outstanding! It has inspired me to do LARGE pieces. Not sure how or where yet... The Serpentine Galleries in London is holding an exhibition of her art right now from 3rd March - 15th May 2016. 20th February 2017
Thank you Kevin Thomson (author of several books on internal and other marketing, such as 'The Company Culture Cookbook') for recommending Bruno Munari's fabulous book, 'Square Circle Triangle' by Princeton Press. Lost for words as to how much I am enjoying reading it.
I have discovered Pebeo mixed media, such as foil and all sorts of other goodies! As well as using these on some of my new pieces of art I am revisiting one or two my older paintings that I feel were not 'finished'. An example of green foil is in this central detail from Communicate With Passion. Pondering on thoughts before responding with a strong sense of personal identity, physically and spiritually. The figure is ageless, masculine, active and intense energetically. Looking directly at the viewer, unwaveringly. A stick, or staff, gives stability and strength as well as making a connection to the ground. A response to this piece can indicate that you either need to ‘lighten up’, or pause more to give more consideration to the consequences of your thoughts, words and actions. With Due Consideration is my latest painting - acrylic on canvas. It is in a NEW gallery on my website called Figures. I have decided to do far more art incorporating the human form for a number of reasons. Firstly, the human form is interesting and challenging to draw and paint. It keeps your skills honed. Secondly, the human figure has so many attributes that are ideal for expressing the symbolism of sacred geometry, colours and spiritual messages. |
December 2023