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Gateway to the Heavens

Gateway to the Heavens

3rd edition of this best seller by Karen L French Discover the purpose of simple geometric shapes and how they mould your reality and your perception of it. Learn how they have a direct bearing on what you are and why you are here.

French investigates geometrical mysteries and explains the purposes of geometric shapes that are the unchanging, building blocks of reality, such as time and space. Each geometric shape and principles' purposes are explained, as are various combinations, and 3 grids that combine as a Matrix shaping space, time and Being. By adding the dynamic Life Force and Cross the static Matrix is activated into the powerful Gateway to the Heavens model. French also reveals the hidden messages of these shapes, as ever-present signs and symbols that commune with our hearts and souls, and guide your spiritual pathway. She shows you how these have been consistently represented through numerous media across the Ages, in all cultures. Their messages are built into your genetic make-up and are instinctively recognisable. French also teaches you how they have a direct bearing on you and why you are here. Also, why this knowledge can facilitate the expansion of your conscious awareness of reality.

The Gateway to the Heavens model facilitates our reconnection with the inherent influence that each spiritual marker has in our lives. A wide range of subject areas from cultures across the globe is condensed in this insightful book. Points are backed up with over 900 images and illustrations, and numerous descriptive examples.

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