Symbolism is my passion, especially numbers, geometry and colour. A passion that originated from a fascination with the patterns underlying our reality and that appear in every area of our lives. My books and articles are based on extensive research into a wide range of disciplines and subjects. I enjoy digging deep, looking at inter-relationships and finding common ground. Symbolism in its many guises was always present in my business career as an international marketer, and I have explored it in far greater depth since 1999. I hope my books inspire you to delve further into this for yourselves.
Originally, I did a Joint Honours Degree in Mathematics and Management Sciences and an MSc in Marketing, both from the University of Manchester, UK. However, art was my first love and since 2009 my spiritual geometric abstract art is a vital part of my life. By combining geometry, colour and materials with intent, my objective is to create a transformative effect for the viewer. A creative practice I describe in 'The Hidden Geometry of Life'. Much like mandalas my artworks are tools for connecting to with your Mind, for receiving healing, guidance and inspiration.
Thank you for your encouragement, support and interest.